Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Urban refugees

images via lospremiagrumi

Later this year, I will be leaving Cambodia to work as a lawyer representing urban refugees.  Urban refugees choose to live in urban areas rather than refugee camps.  I confess I don't know too much about this area of law, but I am excited to learn.  For some strange reason, being a refugee lawyer has been on my bucket list, though there's a part of me that feels very selfish for this endeavor.  A teacher, long ago, gave me that sage piece of advice, handed down again and again in countless iterations: Follow your heart. Do what you love.

That's what I am doing.

A few months ago, a photo exhibit, "See What I See," examined the life of seven urban refugees over the period of two months, as they lived their lives in the capital of Bangkok.  They came from China, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Iran, etc.


  1. Your next adventure sounds fantastic! Will you be relocating to Indonesia or elsewhere?

  2. I am glad you will be following that sage piece of advice. Just looking at their faces should give you strength.


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