A few weeks ago, Cristina invited us over for a night of spanish tortillas. I had two, maybe three, helpings, drowning the hot golden potatoes with a few glasses of wine. Delicious. And really simple -- at least, for Cristina it was.
5-6 potatoes, diced
2 onions, chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, chopped
7 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon sea salt, or regular salt
olive oil
In a bowl, mix potatoes, onions and salt.
Heat oil in pan. Fry potatoes, onions and garlic on low heat and cover with lid for 5-6 minutes, until soft. Turn up the heat for another 5 minutes. Remove potatoes, onions and garlic from pan and drain excess oil.
Break and whisk eggs in a bowl. Add milk and salt. Whisk a lot. Add potatoes, onions and garlic to the mix.
Clean the frying pan. Return pan to stove.
Heat a few tablespoons of oil in pan, and pour in mixture. You may have to move it around to help the tortilla rise. Fry until golden brown. Then, turn down the heat to let the inside cook. After a few minutes, turn up the heat in order to brown the tortilla.
When it is cooked, place a plate over the frying pan and flip the tortilla onto it. Fry the other side until it is golden brown.
P.S. Somehow, somewhy, during dinner with colleagues at Mark's place a few weeks back, I invited people to my home for Thanksgiving Day dinner. Why??? I don't cook. I'll have to fix that very soon.
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